Source code for flowws_analysis.Save

import argparse
import functools
import importlib

import flowws
from flowws import Argument as Arg

[docs]@flowws.add_stage_arguments class Save(flowws.Stage): """Save all visuals created to individual files.""" ARGS = [ Arg('matplotlib_format', None, str, 'pdf', help='Format to save matplotlib figures in'), Arg('plato_format', None, str, 'png', help='Format to save plato figures in'), Arg('plato_backend', None, str, 'vispy', help='Plato backend to use for associated visuals'), Arg('vispy_backend', None, str, help='Vispy backend to use for plato visuals') ] def run(self, scope, storage): """Save all visuals found""" self._used_filenames = scope.setdefault('used_filenames', set()) visuals = scope.get('visuals', []) for vis in visuals: if hasattr(vis, 'draw_matplotlib'): import matplotlib.pyplot as pp import matplotlib filename = 'output.{}'.format(self.arguments['matplotlib_format']) fig = matplotlib.figure.Figure() vis.draw_matplotlib(fig) modifiers = [] if isinstance(vis, flowws.Stage): modifiers.append(type(vis).__name__) self._update_modifiers(filename, modifiers) with, 'wb', modifiers) as f: fig.savefig(f, format=self.arguments['matplotlib_format']) elif hasattr(vis, 'draw_plato'): if 'vispy_backend' in self.arguments: import['vispy_backend']) pkgname = 'plato.draw.{}'.format(self.arguments['plato_backend']) draw = importlib.import_module(pkgname) filename = 'output.{}'.format(self.arguments['plato_format']) basic_scene = vis.draw_plato() vispy_scene = basic_scene.convert(draw) modifiers = [] if isinstance(vis, flowws.Stage): modifiers.append(type(vis).__name__) self._update_modifiers(filename, modifiers) if self.arguments['plato_backend'] == 'vispy': with, 'wb', modifiers, True) as f: else: pass def _update_modifiers(self, filename, modifiers): key = (filename, tuple(modifiers)) if key not in self._used_filenames: self._used_filenames.add(key) return i = 1 modifiers.append('placeholder') # should be overwritten immediately while key in self._used_filenames: i += 1 modifiers[-1] = str(i) key = (filename, tuple(modifiers))