Source code for flowws_analysis.Selection

import copy
import functools

import flowws
from flowws import Argument as Arg
import plato
import numpy as np


def mouse_selection_callback(start_point, end_point, selection_module, scope, scene):
    lowers = np.min([start_point, end_point], axis=0)
    uppers = np.max([start_point, end_point], axis=0)
        scope, scene.rotation, scene.translation, lowers, uppers)

def dynamic_mouse_selection_callback(start_point, end_point, selection_module, scope, scene):
    lowers = np.min([start_point, end_point], axis=0)
    uppers = np.max([start_point, end_point], axis=0)
        scope, scene.rotation, scene.translation, lowers, uppers)

def delete_particle_callback(scene, primitive_index, shape_index,
                             selection_module, scope):
    saved_scope = selection_module.saved_scope
    primitive_indices = scope['primitive_indices']
    shape_indices = primitive_indices[primitive_index]

    # a shape that is not associated with any selectable particle was selected
    if not len(shape_indices):
    particle_index = shape_indices[shape_index]

    N = len(saved_scope['position'])
    result = np.arange(0, N - 1)
    result[particle_index:] += 1

    selection_module._add_delete_particle_selection(scope, result)

def convex_hull_indices(scope):
    from .Center import center
    from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull

    positions = center(scope['box'], scope['position'])
    hull = ConvexHull(positions)
    hull_indices = set(hull.vertices)
    keep_indices = [i for i in range(len(positions)) if i not in hull_indices]
    return keep_indices

def filter_rectangle(scope, translation, rotation, lower, upper):
    positions = plato.math.quatrot(rotation, scope['position'])
    positions += translation

    above = np.all(positions[:, :2] > lower, axis=-1)
    below = np.all(positions[:, :2] < upper, axis=-1)

    inside = np.logical_and(above, below)
    indices = np.where(inside)[0]
    return indices

[docs]@flowws.add_stage_arguments class Selection(flowws.Stage): """Filter the set of displayed particles manually or by specified criteria. This module removes particles by filtering all per-particle quantities according to a series of criteria. These criteria use the "state" scope that is used to pass data between modules, such as `scope["potential_energy"] < -0.5`. When used interactively with vispy scenes, selections can be made with the mouse, or particles on the convex hull of a droplet can be removed. """ ARGS = [ Arg('criteria', None, [str], [], help='List of criteria to filter by. Particles satisfying all criteria will be included.'), ] def run(self, scope, storage): """Evaluate the given selection criteria and filter particles.""" found_quantities = {name for name in DEFAULT_PARTICLE_QUANTITIES if name in scope} found_quantities.update(scope.get('color_scalars', [])) namespace = dict(scope=scope) namespace['numpy'] = namespace['np'] = np namespace['filter_rectangle'] = filter_rectangle namespace['convex_hull_indices'] = convex_hull_indices for criterion in self.arguments['criteria']: this_filter = eval(criterion, namespace) for name in found_quantities: scope[name] = scope[name][this_filter] self.saved_scope = copy.copy(scope) self.gui_actions = [ ('Select rectangle', self._rectangle_callback), ('Dynamic rectangle', self._dynamic_rectangle), ('Remove convex hull', self._remove_hull), ('Dynamic convex hull', self._dynamic_hull), ('Delete selected particle', self._delete_particle), ('Undo last selection', self._pop_selection), ] def _add_mouse_selection(self, scope, rotation, translation, lower, upper): indices = filter_rectangle( self.saved_scope, translation, rotation, lower, upper) if len(indices): self.arguments['criteria'].append(str(indices.tolist())) if scope.get('rerun_callback', None) is not None: scope['rerun_callback']() def _add_dynamic_mouse_selection(self, scope, rotation, translation, lower, upper): code = 'filter_rectangle(scope, {}, {}, {}, {})'.format( translation.tolist(), rotation.tolist(), lower.tolist(), upper.tolist()) self.arguments['criteria'].append(code) if scope.get('rerun_callback', None) is not None: scope['rerun_callback']() def _add_delete_particle_selection(self, scope, indices): if len(indices): self.arguments['criteria'].append(str(indices.tolist())) if scope.get('rerun_callback', None) is not None: scope['rerun_callback']() def _delete_particle(self, scope, storage): visual_target = scope['selection_visual_target'] plato_scene = scope['visual_objects'][visual_target] delete_callback = functools.partial( delete_particle_callback, selection_module=self, scope=scope) plato_scene.enable('pick', delete_callback) def _dynamic_hull(self, scope, storage): self.arguments['criteria'].append( 'convex_hull_indices(scope)') if scope.get('rerun_callback', None) is not None: scope['rerun_callback']() def _dynamic_rectangle(self, scope, storage): visual_target = scope['selection_visual_target'] plato_scene = scope['visual_objects'][visual_target] mouse_callback = functools.partial( dynamic_mouse_selection_callback, selection_module=self, scope=scope, scene=plato_scene) plato_scene.enable('select_rect', mouse_callback) def _rectangle_callback(self, scope, storage): visual_target = scope['selection_visual_target'] plato_scene = scope['visual_objects'][visual_target] mouse_callback = functools.partial( mouse_selection_callback, selection_module=self, scope=scope, scene=plato_scene) plato_scene.enable('select_rect', mouse_callback) def _pop_selection(self, scope, storage): if self.arguments['criteria']: self.arguments['criteria'].pop() if scope.get('rerun_callback', None) is not None: scope['rerun_callback']() def _remove_hull(self, scope, storage): keep_indices = convex_hull_indices(self.saved_scope) self.arguments['criteria'].append(str(keep_indices)) if scope.get('rerun_callback', None) is not None: scope['rerun_callback']()